Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Nature teaches us Life all the time, But are we listening...

It is well known that we are made of five elements (Panch Buthas).    These elements are:   Prithvi  (पृथ्वी, Earth), Apas/Jal (जल, Water), Agni (अग्नि, Fire), Vayu ( वायु, Air) and Aakash (आकाश, Aether).  These elements have one common property: these are highly adaptable, enduring, acceptable, shapeable etc, for just everything. We cannot stop them, it just follows the best minimum obstruction path.

So how should a person, who is made of these five elements, should be ? It seems obvious that, our nature & behavior should be similar to the nature of these elements. But we mostly lack all these qualities. We get angry over small things. We are un-satisfied with almost everything. We do not have much patience. We are least adaptable.  

There are many Hindi movie songs, that describes the property of nature, and advises us to inherit them in our lives. One such song is given below. Please read the translation and interpretation.  (source:

मधुबन ख़ुशबू देता है, सागर सावन देता है,
जीना उसका जीना है, जो औरों को जीवन देता है 

A garden gives fragrance. An ocean gives rainfall. 
Only he lives who infuses life into others.

We should help others selflessly, just like the oceans give us rain and air helps us breathe. Likewise, only that life is worthy which infuses life into others, without asking for anything in return.

सूरज बन पाए तो, बन के दीपक जलता चल 
फूल मिलें या अँगारे, सच की राहों पे चलता चल 
प्यार दिलों को देता है, अश्कों को दामन देता है 
जीना उसका जीना है, जो औरों को जीवन देता है 

If you cannot become the sun, be a lamp. 
Whether you get flowers or embers, continue walking on the path of truth.
Love expands our hearts, it offers comfort to tears.
Only he lives who infuses life into others.

If we cannot shine as brightly as the sun, we should shine gently like a lamp. In other words, we should not wait to do something big for others; even small acts of kindness are helpful.

चलती है लहरा के पवन, के साँस सभी की चलती रहे 
लोगों ने त्याग दिये जीवन, के प्रीत दिलों में पलती रहे 
दिल वो दिल है जो औरों को, अपनी धड़कन देता है 
जीना उसका जीना है, जो औरों को जीवन देता है 

The wind blows gracefully, so that everybody may continue to breathe. 
People gave up their lives so that love may continue to thrive in our hearts.
Only that heart is worthy which shares its heartbeat with others.
Only he lives who infuses life into others.

The last stanza has two inspiring examples of selfless service. First consider the wind, the sun, the air, the earth — these are bounties of nature that seek nothing in return. Then there are martyrs who sacrificed their lives to uphold principles of peace. They died so that love may continue to thrive among those who live. With our hearts full of thankfulness for both nature and fellow humans who have done so much for us, we must serve others.
It is not a surprise that most the yoga postures were developed viewing the postures of animals and nature. Yogi's used to view themselves in the nature, and so able to learn from nature around them.

People who had ability to learn from nature, always thank nature for all that it provides. It provides life to us. They never do anything to harm nature. They try all means to co-exist with nature. They understand that, their existence is directly related to nature. One of the synonym of 'nature' is 'existence'.

So nature tells us how to live, but are we listening!!. We exist because nature (world) exist.  But most of the people think that, world exist because of them. But it is now well understood, that when you work for others, then only you will be in peace of mind. The choice is ours. 

Thanks for reading. Your valuable comments are most welcome. Learning by sharing.

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